sbf111胜博发 Presents: Hiring Strategies: The Evolution of Seeking Talent
由 Marcomm. By Madi Olejnicak
2022年5月24日, Marcomm 与 sbf胜博发登录 and Minnesota C-suite business leaders to discuss one of the greatest challenges facing companies today–hiring strategies. 以问与答的方式, each panelist provided insight into how their companies are confronting hiring issues during the tightest job market in several decades.
Each individual spoke on topics related to modern day hiring challenges such as:
- Learning how to “flex” for the right candidate
- 应对薪酬挑战
- Marketing your company to stand out to recruits
Question: What does your company do specifically to attract new candidates?
在吸引新候选人方面, incorporating important community values and flexibility into onboarding were among the primary topics panelists focused on.
凯利施奈德,总裁 SafetNet咨询, dove into the heart behind incorporating community values. 对凯利, one of the most important qualities for candidates to see is how a company positively gives back to the world. 谈论候选人, 凯利说, “They’re looking for connection to the company, 对任务来说, to their vision in order to give them meaningful work.”
安迪Dulka,首席信息官 餐厅的技术, dug deeper into how simplifying the onboarding process can attract new candidates as well. Andy said, “We’ve had to flex to how we make the onboarding process effortless. How do we give them the tools that make their job easier?”
For technicians and drivers at 餐厅的技术 specifically, Andy emphasized how they have catered flexibility based on the human need. Andy said, “We’ve had to flex to understand the human needs in those roles. We go talk to our most productive people in that role and we ask: ‘Why are you here? 你为什么要留下来? 是什么让你这么兴奋?’”
To see how Marcomm incorporates flexibility into work, read this article on 合同员工.
Question: What has been the impact of using compensation and what are compensation challenges in that industry?
Panelists each took a moment to acknowledge the difficulty of compensation challenges in the current market. 特别关注新员工, the group explained the difficulties of hiring individuals at salaries similar to tenured individuals.
比尔•沙利文,总裁兼首席执行官 布林玻璃公司, explained how the adjustment had affected their company. 根据他的经验, having proactive conversations with employees about compensation challenges was the primary goal. Bill focused on emphasizing long-term benefits and values, especially in the current fluctuating market. “Trying to paint that picture is a challenge, because people want it (compensation) here now, they don’t want to look at it 10 to 15 years down the road,比尔说.
杰米•辛普森, CRO Marcomm, also spoke to hiring challenges from a consulting perspective. 她说, “All we can do is help educate and inform what market value is…More and more we’re actually providing insight for the market.” To read more on this topic, check out Marcomm’s blog on overcoming challenges with 2022年人员配置的鼓舞人心的解决方案. Kelli added, “We have similar challenges to Jamie being in the consulting world as well. Educating our clients on the talent and 他们在找什么. But we also educate the talent too as to what the clients are looking for.”
Using Marketing to tell the story of Your Company
Question: How are you marketing your company?
最后, panelists took a moment to touch on the individual ways each one markets their company to the community, and how they use marketing to find new recruits.
像布林玻璃这样的百年老店, the evolution of recruitment has centered around the ability to inform target audiences through digital marketing avenues. Before hiring Marcomm in 2021, Brin glass had used traditional marketing strategies. “We didn’t realize how connected marketing was to recruiting, and how marketing can leverage recruiting to impact our culture,比尔评论道.
For businesses like 餐厅的技术, a primary component of marketing their company culture is within the first several steps of an interview. Andy said, “I do a culture interview as one of the first touches. 我想知道他们是谁, 他们在找什么, are they going to be a good fit in our culture, even before we get into the technical aspects of that.”
普里西拉Koeckeritz,分数CMO Marcomm, dove deeper into the ways job inclusivity could change how companies market themselves. “We’ve got to get better about qualifying the talent coming in. Because if we find the right people and have the right person for that company, 正确的座位是可以开发的. 这些才能和技能是可以培养的.” Priscilla said, “Don’t let good recruits go. 可能不是现在,但也可能不是“不”.’” Over the years, Marcomm has also found it helpful to incorporate the 客户洞察之声 他们的营销策略.
Whether you’re interested in how Marcomm could fill gaps in your company, or still figuring out what services you need, 我们是来帮忙的. 想安排和Marcomm的会面? 联系 杰米•辛普森 today to find out more information about how our services can meet your needs.
If you have more questions about Marcomm, check out our sbf111胜博发 页面! If you’re interested in seeing what positions are available, visit our 工作 浏览更多信息. 最后,一定要看看我们的 博客页面 to stay informed and up to date on topics related to marketing, staffing, and hiring solutions.
主持人: 戴安娜奥斯伯格我的妈妈!
主持人: 普里西拉Koeckeritz,分数CMO,市场营销
小组成员: 凯利施奈德SafeNet Consulting总裁; 比尔•沙利文,布林玻璃公司首席执行官; 杰米•辛普森, Chief Revenue Officer, Marcomm; and 安迪Dulka他是餐厅技术公司的首席信息官